Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Stephen Mayne: seeks to gag public debate by voting against holding a review

In a rather irrational tirade "I support of open public debate", Stephen Mayne, votes to gag debate and deny a review on a very important topical issue.

This was the first time Stephen Maybe had opportunity in a Council public forum to talk on bikes and bike lanes specifically, yet he would not allow discussion on the merits of the design or its implementation, preferring instead to vote against a rational motion put forward my Councillors Richard Foster seeking to hold a reviw of Melbourne's Bike Lanes following the end of the Princes Bridge Trial in September.

What does Coucnillr Mayne and the Lord Mayor Robert Doyle fear? Are they afraid  to air Council's dirty linen and allow public discussion on the merit of the designs and decisions made?

This is not about bikes per-say it is about the design and implementation of the segmented bike lanes and the prudent use of Council's financial resources.   

Why did Stephen Mayne vote against a review that included a review of the Latrobe Street Bike Lane? That was the main focus and reason for a review

Latrobe Street Cost $2.6 Million. It does not work..Wrong design wrong location bad implementation.

It should be reviewed before we go and repeat the same mistakes on St Kilda Road. 330m lane costing $330,000

The alternative "Claredon Street" Bike Lane design should have been considered. It is cheaper and better.  Council must explain its position and failure to adopt this design.

If you have nothing to hide publish in full all submissions in relation to Melbourne's Transport Plan

Stephen Mayne speaking to deny public debate 6-Aug-2013

Councillor Richard Foster seeking to provide the review that Doyle rejected.

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