Free from this obligation, Robert Doyle claims that the No junkets policy was made in the previous election and does not apply to his election in 2012, Robert Doyle's of the view that he has earned the right to travel around the world at Councils expense.
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
Councillors off to China on a junket
Melbourne City Councilors Ken Ong (Liberal) and Richard Foster (ALP) are both off to China in ongoing rounds of overseas Junkets, although Richard Foster, who was elected with the support of RESIDENTS FIRST:STOP THE RATES RIP-OFF!, claims the China Trip is not a Junket.Foster's name was kept secrete from teh original report which listed Cr Ong plus one other City Council. It is unkown if the other was a draw from the hat but the City of Melbourne needed to bring Richard Foster under the spell and umbrella of junkets and overseas in-house trips rewards system.
Lord Mayor Robert Doyle who recently traveled to London on a $10,000 junket to discuss Policing in Capital Cities (Unlike London Melbourne has no role in policing which is the responsibility of State Government) is off to New York later this month on what is widely seen as another junket and breach of the Lord Mayor's previous electon undertaking to not go on a junket.
Free from this obligation, Robert Doyle claims that the No junkets policy was made in the previous election and does not apply to his election in 2012, Robert Doyle's of the view that he has earned the right to travel around the world at Councils expense.
Free from this obligation, Robert Doyle claims that the No junkets policy was made in the previous election and does not apply to his election in 2012, Robert Doyle's of the view that he has earned the right to travel around the world at Councils expense.
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