David Nolte is well known in Carlton and surrounding areas. His close association with the Liberal Party is also a factor in this election.
The Liberal Party has decided to not endorse a candidate for the election and as such the election is wide open.
In 2010 the Liberal Party polled 28% of the vote The Greens 32% and the ALP 36%.
David Nolte is competing against serial candidate and controversial Manningham (Templestowe) Councillor Stephen Mayne for the conservative vote.
David Nolte is expected to pickup the lion's share of the Liberal party vote and come in third ahead of Steven Mayne. Both Mayne and Nolte along with Family First, the DLP and the Australian Christians are all preferencing the ALP ahead of the Greens giving the ALP a clear lead in the outcome of the election.
The ALP and David Nolte are both the beneficiary of the "Donkey Vote" estimated to be worth 3% to 5%. Sex Party swinger, Fiona Pattern, is expected to poll 4% to 6% on the party name alone.
Election Day is Saturday, July 21.
An Early voting centre has been set up at Level 1, Urban Workshop 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne for those voters who are unable to attend a polling place on election day