Monday, October 01, 2012

VEC: Candidate Statement and use of common Acronyms rejected by Stalinist Electoral Commission

The VEC rejected the publication of independent Candidate, Anthony van der Craats statement. Mr. Van der Craats had submitted a candidate statement using the acronyms JET SET and TER.  the VEC claimed the acronyms, which referred to Councillors travel account, was a reference to Carl Jetter, a candidate in the election standing under Team Doyle. The rejection comes amidst a number of concerns and complaints of overhanded State polices that are designed to restrict and prevent independence and individuality of candidates seeking election.   The publication of a candidates statements plays a significant role in voters choice.

"A candidate should be free to make a statement as they think fit and it is not the role of the electoral commission to dumb down or limit what is said and how it is presented" Mr Anthony van der Craats said "We live in a democracy not a Stalinist state".

The term JET is an acronym for Junior Executive Travel, SET refers to Senior Executive Travel and  TER Travel Expense Report.  All closely related to the context of Councillor Travel Expenses.

The VEC have crossed the line from administrator to participant. What's next? If we expressed concern at the level of noise generated by a Singer in Bourke Street  or opposition to the use of Councillor Visa Cards or included the statement "So What".  Is it within the realm of the VEC to rule the statement invalid?   

Independent unaligned candidates are at a distinct disadvantage. Voters wishing to support them have to cast a vote below-the-line for all candidates and are only entitled to publish one How-to-vote ticket, where as Group voters have the advantage of registering two Group voting tickets and voters only tick one box above-the-line. 

Mr van der Craats original statement (Rejected by the VEC)    Independent “Ungrouped” Candidate *  South Yarra, Resident of Melbourne since 1985 * Senior Systems Analyst (ICT) and Migration Agent * Life member of the National Trust of Australia *  Community Activist *  Member of the Australian Labor Party.       Issues: Open and transparent government, good governance and effective community consultation; The need for electoral reform and review of external boundaries creating a Greater City of Melbourne; Putting an end to the rorts, misuse and abuse of “JET set TER” Councillor expenses used to promote  personal business interests;  It’s time to  scrap the Lord Mayor’s Limo and stop the provision of “free booze” to Councillors paid for by ratepayers - No more drunk Councillors or inebriated Lord Mayors;  Reduced costs to business and residents alike.  *** Please vote below the line allocating preferences and support for unaligned candidates ***    email:  tel: 04033 78 111 << more information 


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